Accreditation |
The Respiratory Care Program is accredited by the following accrediting organizations: Voluntary accreditation of education in the United States has allowed institutions to demonstrate their ability to graduate competent individuals. Allied health education in general and respiratory care in particular are at the forefront of "product oriented" accreditation. A program's graduates can be considered its "product." Although the re-accreditation process is a major undertaking for educational programs, the resulting self-analysis identifies strengths and weaknesses and helps the program focus on ways to improve its overall process. The Commission on Accreditation for Respiratory Care's mission is to assure quality education utilizing due process. CoARC's purpose is to provide accreditation services. If these can be achieved, all respiratory care graduates will be competent, and all educational institutions will have been dealt with fairly and consistently (reference: "CoARC Accreditation Policies and Procedures Manual") |
Last Updated on Wednesday, 11 April 2018 15:27 |