Help Your Student Succeed

When a family member enters college, a journey begins for the whole family!  Encouragement from parents, family and friends is a critical factor in student success.

We hope the following strategies might be helpful for parents, family members, spouses and friends as they provide support for their student as they progress through their academic career at Texas Southmost College. 

  1. Prepare your student for the increased academic demands they will face inShare your own experiences or introduce them to others who have recently attended college.

  2. Discuss the importance of attending class regularly, reading before class, taking thorough notes, completing all class assignments, and participating in study groups.

  3. Encourage your student to meet with their professors outside of class to follow-up on questions about course material.

  4. Encourage your student to use free services available on campus such as tutoring, the counseling center and academic advising.

  5. Stress the importance of effective time management. Encourage your student to use a calendar to keep track of due dates and tasks that need to be accomplished.

  6. Discuss the dangers of spending too much time online!  Although the Internet can serve as a way of maintaining social connections, too much time online can prevent students from meeting their academic responsibilities.

  7. Encourage your student to “get involved” onResearch shows that students involved on campus are more likely to be successful in college.


How Can I Find Out How My Student is Doing in College? 

  • All information about college, including courses, grades and financial obligations, goes directly to the student.
  • The best way to obtain information is to talk to your student!  Establish a communication plan to discuss college with your student today!


My Student Seems to be Having a Problem in College - How Can I Help? 

  • TSC has many resources and services to help students succeed. 
  • Become familiar with our resources and encourage students to reach out for help. 
    1. Advising
    2. Tutoring
    3. Counseling
    4. Disability Support Services


Last Updated on Wednesday, 23 October 2013 09:24